Fey Light ~Keys from “hypha”~


This is part of my sound source series
where I introduce and create music using various sources.
This is probably the 5th installment.
Today, I’m using the Key [Fey Light] from the HYPHA sound source.
The illustration shows a cockatiel listening to sleep music while trying to sleep.
“Hmm… these jingling bells are a bit too noisy… 🔔”
It seems like the Normal Cockatiel is ringing bells in time
with the music near the Cockatiel’s ear.
I recreated this in the illustration since the [Fey Light] sound
includes the jingling bell sound.
I also added a cello to give it a soothing lullaby vibe🐥
Feel free to listen!

All this jingling and jangling can be tough on the body after a break, right…🐥


#ArtRage Fey Light ~Keys from "hypha"~ - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv

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