らくがき The Ice Music Festival series The illustration is of a cockatiel competing in the Ice Music Festival (is there really one such Festival?)."Hiii! I'm n... 2023.07.12 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Sometimes, take a pause The illustration features a budgerigar delivering a lost egg to its home.When we're busy, we tend to focus only on effic... 2023.07.11 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Soda Bar Crisis! The illustration is of cockatiels trying to eat a soda bar after a bath!"It's too hot to do anything else! Let's have so... 2023.07.10 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき The Cries of Cockatiel This is an illustration of my participation in a late-night 2-hour DTM.The subject was "a song inspired by a soul shout"... 2023.07.09 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Tanabata Night July 7 is Tanabata (Star Festival)🌠The illustration is a cockatiel making a wish on a huge strip of paper."Is it a shoot... 2023.07.08 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Piano Day July 6 is Piano DayThe illustration is of a cockatiel playing a magnificent black piano."There are many different colors... 2023.07.07 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Backpain Elegy June fatigue lingers in our bodies these days.Are your eyes, shoulders, and back all aching?The illustration is of a coc... 2023.07.06 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Soul (food) Cockatiel This is an illustration from a late-night 2-hour DTM I participated in.The subject was "Genre: Soul.The illustration is ... 2023.07.05 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Day of Tears It seems July 3 was Tear Day in Japanese.I heard it means to take good care of your eyes.The illustration is a cockatiel... 2023.07.04 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Wonder Adventure 7 ~Hello,Green Budgie~ The illustration shows a budgie who joined a mysterious RPG adventure with a single flute.He has finally found a friend.... 2023.06.30 らくがき音楽素材