らくがき The Sound of Commencement This illustration was created during a late-night two-hour DTM challenge.The theme was "a song inspired by graduation."T... 2025.03.09 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Back Pain… Again Do you ever feel sharp back pain when it gets colder?The illustration features a cockatiel who’s once again struck by ba... 2025.01.20 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Recovery Cockatiel Back to work or shcool after the holiday tomorrow.The illustration features a cockatiel with slightly reduced hit points... 2025.01.13 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき The White World It seems there was heavy snowfall on the 5th.The illustration features a budgerigar captivated by the expanse of snow al... 2024.02.06 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき North Wind Cockatiel This is an illustration from when I participated in a 1-week DTM.The theme was 'Wind instruments steeped in the north wi... 2023.10.19 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Goldfish-chan’s Theme This is an illustration from when I participated in a two-hour late-night DTM session.The theme was 'a song inspired by ... 2023.08.10 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Wonder Adventure5 ~Temple of Darkness~ This is a continuation of the illustration I did when I participated in a late-night two-hour DTMThe subject was "a song... 2023.06.15 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Wonder Adventure4 ~Wonder River~ The illustration is of a budgie who participated in a mysterious RPG adventure with a single whistle, andand the chicks ... 2023.06.01 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Wonder Adventure2 ~Holding a Flute~From Avobe The Sky~ This is a continuation of the illustration I did when I participated in a late-night two-hour DTMThe subject was "Scene ... 2023.05.27 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Early summer Blanket It suddenly got cold today.The illustration is a cockatiel closing the curtains in early summer."Who said early summer…i... 2023.05.24 らくがき音楽素材