らくがき Yoroshiku Parakeet Sound Stamp Series No. 9The concept is 'Wouldn't it be nice to have this in a LINE stamp?' — a mix of doodles & jingles.... 2024.08.06 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき See You Later, Cockatiel Sound Stamp Series No. 7The concept is 'It would be nice to have this as a LINE stamp,' featuring doodles and jingles.To... 2024.08.02 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Sleeping Chick The illustration depicts a chick-chan who has returned from the underground world and is sleeping soundly.A budgerigar-s... 2024.07.10 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Sizzling Summer Day It's still July, but it was hot again today.The illustration shows a little chick running on a hot road and seeking refu... 2024.07.04 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Dreaming of Romance June 19th was celebrated as Romance Day due to a pun on the date.It was established by the Japan Romanticist Association... 2024.06.20 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Eagerly awaited 🍉 Watermelon Perhaps it’s about time for watermelons to start appearing in supermarkets.This illustration shows the Cockatiel eagerly... 2024.05.23 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Ice Cream Cockatiels 2 The cockatiels, unawarely, blow away the hesitant little chick 🐣 who loses confidence when compared to people (birds?)…'... 2024.05.13 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Ice Cream Cockatiels This is an illustration from when I participated in a two-hour DTM session late at night.The theme was 'a song inspired ... 2024.05.10 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Seeking Rice Cakes of the Moon A Late-Night 2-Hour DTM Session Illustration.The theme was 'A Composition Using Synth Brass.'The illustration depicts an... 2023.12.28 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき The Cockatiel in Wonderland - Chasing the White Rabbit – The Mysterious Land series, which began with eating a mysterious mushroom, part 2.The illustration features a Cockatiel ... 2023.11.21 らくがき音楽素材