らくがき Getting ready for Halloween3 The illustration features cockatiels enthusiastically dressing up in Halloween costumes."Yikes! Isn't shooting beams fro... 2024.10.30 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき No-Kaidou[Malus spontanea] ~ Flower You Series No.12 ~ The illustration features a pink parakeet greeting the flower of No-Kaidou.No-Kaidou is a member of the rose family that... 2024.10.29 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Getting ready for Halloween This illustration was created for a late-night 2-hour DTM session.The theme was 'a Halloween-inspired track.'The illustr... 2024.10.25 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Parachute Day October 22nd was Parachute Day.The illustration shows some cockatiels narrowly avoiding a collision.'Phew, good thing we... 2024.10.23 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Meteor Shower Cockcatiels This is an illustration I created during a late-night 2-hour DTM session.The theme was 'a song inspired by a meteor show... 2024.10.22 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Enticed by the Fragrance of Osmanthus Fantasy Piano Series No. 2The illustration features a pink parakeet following the scent of osmanthus.It seems as if they... 2024.10.20 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Gazing upon the mystical heights This is an illustration I made during a late-night 2-hour DTM session.The theme was 'a track inspired by observation tow... 2024.10.19 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき The Supermoon 2024 with the Recorder This is an illustration I made when I participated in a two-hour midnight DTM session.The theme was 'a song using the re... 2024.10.17 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Boss Day October 16th is Boss's Day.The illustration shows a cockatiel striking a pose, acting like a boss.Oh? What is that in it... 2024.10.16 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき The moon on the thirteenth night – The Moon of Two Nights – October 15th corresponds to the 13th day of the 9th month in the old lunar calendar, and tonight is the Thirteenth Night... 2024.10.15 らくがき音楽素材