らくがき Backpain Elegy June fatigue lingers in our bodies these days.Are your eyes, shoulders, and back all aching?The illustration is of a coc... 2023.07.06 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Day of Tears It seems July 3 was Tear Day in Japanese.I heard it means to take good care of your eyes.The illustration is a cockatiel... 2023.07.04 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Sea of Tweets 2 This is an illustration of my participation in a late-night 2-hour DTM.Subject: Songs Inspired by the Beginning of Summe... 2023.07.03 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Hello☆July July will be here before we know it. It gets sweltering every day!The illustration is of a Cockatiel that is scavenging ... 2023.07.02 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Take a break in a cool cafe This is an illustration of my participation in a late-night 2-hour DTM.The subject was "a song inspired by a break time.... 2023.07.01 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Open-air bath day June 26th is "Rotenburo" (open-air bath) day!The illustration shows a cockatiel struggling in front of an open-air bath ... 2023.06.27 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Starry Sky Paintbrush I created this piece during the "Constellations" theme of the Late Night Two-Hour Poem Composition.The illustration is o... 2023.06.26 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Effect Wah Cockatiel This is an illustration of my participation in a late-night 2-hour DTM.The subject was "Song with Wah effect".The illust... 2023.06.25 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Friday Saxophone Finally, Friday has arrived!The illustration is of a cockatiel practicing his saxophone on Friday night!She said, "Hmmm…... 2023.06.23 らくがき音楽素材
らくがき Carefree Cockatiel 2 The illustration is of a cockatiel relaxing on the boat again!"I think I'm going to take a nap a little longer before go... 2023.06.23 らくがき音楽素材