The full moon in February is called the Snow Moon.
The illustration depicts a budgie watching the full moon on a snowy February night—it’s a bit chilly, but also beautiful.
Seeing both the moon and the falling snow simultaneously feels like a special treat.
I created this piece with a synth that sounds like snow and a flute called Pinkilo, capturing the atmosphere of a February moonlit night.
I hope you enjoy it! 🐥🌝❄
The moon is always cold yet gentle. 🌝
You can also see it on Twitter, pixiv, Instagram and Youtube♬
#不思議 Snow Moon - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv
2月の満月はSnow Moon と呼ぶそうですイラストはちょっと寒いけど雪の舞う2月の満月を見るセキセイインコさんです月と雪を同時に見られるのはなんだか贅沢ですね雪のようなシンセとピンキロという笛で2