Shivering for Spring


They say that spring arrives in the order of light → sound → temperature.
The illustration depicts a budgerigar eagerly waiting for spring.
Even though the days are getting longer and the sound of melting snow can be heard, the air still feels chilly.
While the “spring of light” and the “spring of sound” have arrived, the “spring of warmth” seems to be yet to come.

I creaed this piece with a Japanese touch using piano and a flute called “Fujara.”
I hope you enjoy listening to it! 🐥🌸

During the day, it’s warm, so I end up letting my guard down and switching to summer bedding💦

You can also see it on Twitter, pixiv, Instagram and Youtube♬

#セキセイインコ 春待ちわびて - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv

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