On Friday nights, we tend to stay up late.
The illustration features a cockatiel yawning with a smartphone in hand.
“Yaaawn… My shoulder pain has been so bad lately, I really need to sleep early… Ouch! The phone fell on my face!” 💨
Dear Cockatiel, if there’s nothing urgent, you should just go to bed early.
I created this with “Lullaby Blips” sounds and drums to capture the lazy weekend vibes.
Please give it a listen if you like ☎
Smartphones have gotten bigger these days, so when they fall on your face, it hurts quite a bit… 🐥
You can also see it on X, pixiv,Instagram and Youtube♬
作曲とらくがきサイトをほそぼそやってます。 インコの後頭部のアングルが大好き。なんであんなに可愛いんだろう… 好きな漫画はギャグマンガ日和です!