Exhaustion Day


Haven’t you ever had an unexpectedly hard day?
The illustration shows a weary Cockatiel heading home.
“Ugh, what a tough day! I can’t believe I don’t even have time to snack on chips at my own pace.💨
What was I doing, you ask? Well, just… being a cockatiel, you know. 👅”
I created a worn-out vibe with an acoustic guitar.
Give it a listen if you’d like! 🐥

Even cockatiels have hard days, huh?☕

You can also see it on X, pixiv,Instagram and Youtube♬

#音楽 お疲れ曜日 - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv
予想外にハードな日ありませんか?イラストはお疲れなまま家路につくオカメさんです。「あーたいへん!ゆっくりポテチをつまめない日なんてありえないね💨 何してたかっていうと…まあ、オカメさんやってただけなん

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