Sound Source Series Vol. 28
Concept: Doodles and tunes introducing available sound sources.
Today, I’m using a sound called ‘[Dungeons]’ from a source called Verve.
The illustration depicts Cockatiels playing Kemari.
‘Wow! Shoot ⚽ Whoa! It’s not something you hit with a bat 💨
It’s kemari,’ she says.
It seems like they’re both making various mistakes.
It’s in the style of the Kemari Piano Series.
Feel free to give it a listen if you’d like.
You can also find it on Twitter, pixiv, and Instagram 🐥
#なにこの仔かわいい 蹴鞠ピアノその3Verve -Dungeons- - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv