The Dream of String Instruments


This illustration is from the time I participated in a late-night 2-hour DTM session.
The theme was ‘String Quartet.’

The illustration features a Budgerigar who discovered old string instruments.

The instruments are passive,
simply waiting earnestly.
Believing that someday,their will be produced beautiful sounds.

With a little care, they seem capable of producing beautiful sounds 💡
I tried creating a string quartet that imagines hope in the darkness 🎻

When I see those dilapidated string instruments, I can’t help but feel a sense of guilt for leaving the instruments untouched and unplayed. Whether to make them shine or send them to a place where they can shine… As someone who has taken on the fate of these instruments, a choice must be made  ..🎻

You can also see it on Twitter, pixiv, and Instagram♬

#音楽 弦楽器の夢 - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv
深夜の2時間DTMに参加した時のイラストです。お題は「弦楽四重奏」です。イラストは古い弦楽器たちを見つけたセキセイインコさんです楽器は受け身 ただ ひたすら待つだけいつかその身が奏でられることを信じて

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