Verve piano sound-Mainstay-


Sound Source Series No. 19
The concept is a doodle and composition introducing the existing sound sources.
Today, I’m using the sound called ‘[Mainstay]’ from the Verve sound source.
The illustration is of a Budgerigar saw fallen leaves completely wrapped in the cold.
I aimed to create an atmosphere of strolling on winter leaves with a piano solo.
Please give it a listen if you’d like! 🍂

The mismatch between the sound source’s name, ‘[Mainstay],’and the delicate piano solo might be the intriguing point to listen for? 🐥

You can also find it on Twitter, pixiv, and Instagram 🐥

#音楽 Verve piano sound-Mainstay- - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv

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