The Cockatiel in Wonderland – At the suspicious Apothecary –


The Mysterious Land series began with eating a mysterious mushroom, part 4.
& Two Hours of Late-Night DTM (Desktop Music) Set
The theme is ‘BGM for an apothecary in the fantasy world.’
The illustration features a cockatiel purchasing a poultice at a mysterious apothecary.
“I bumped into a trap earlier, you know… The shopkeeper here has a face like a cookie 🍪.”
Somehow, this shopkeeper and the mask… they seem oddly familiar.
I created it mysteriously using pizzicato strings.
If you’d like, give it a listen.

Cockatiel: “Huh? You don’t need any money? Well, even if you ask me to pay it to you, I don’t have any money 💨”
I wonder if Cockatiel was planning to use moneyless payment again👛‥?

You can also find it on Twitter, Instagram, and Pixiv. 🐥

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