The birth flower for March 12 is the Chinese milk vetch.
The official name of the flower is “Genge”, which means “purple cloud”, because the flower looks like a purple cloud when seen from a distance.
The illustration is of a budgie that unexpectedly wandered into a lotus field.
Surrounded by purple clouds, he is thinking about the language of flowers.
A song inspired by this illustration is also uploaded on Twitter.
I made it with piano and violin in an improvisational style.
Please listen to it if you like.
There is also pixiv
#音楽 蓮華草 - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv
3月12日の誕生花は蓮華草正式名称は紫雲英(げんげ) 遠くから花を見ると紫の雲のようにみえるからだそうですイラストは、思いがけず蓮華畑に迷い込んだセキセイインコさんです一面の紫の雲に包まれて花言葉に想