Weekend Saxophone


Is this the first weekend off for many of you since the New Year holidays?
The illustration features a striped-parakeet taking a detour on his errand.
It seems he’s forgotten what the budgie asked him to get, so he’s decided to buy some roasted sweet potatoes to take home 🍠.
Maybe a simple dinner (if we can call it that?) wouldn’t hurt occasionally.
I created this piece using piano and tenor saxophone, aiming for a slightly weary weekend vibe.
If you’d like, please give it a listen 🐥👝

Oh dear 🐥 It seems the budgie was planning to have hot pot tonight… Is that really okay?

You can also see it on X, pixiv, Instagram, and Youtube♬

#鳥 週末サキソフォン - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv

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