Shironeri: Otoiro Picture Book No.1


New Series: Otoiro Picture Book!
The concept is a picture book paired with music that matches the color theme.

The first installment is themed around Shironeri (#f3f3f2), a light gray color.
The illustration features a budgerigar (budgie) applying Shironeri-colored paint on a canvas.

Using a metallophone, I created a sound that’s slightly softer than pure white.
I hope you’ll listen to it! 🐥

The title text is a bit darker than Shironeri for practical reasons👀

You can also see it on X, pixiv, Instagram and Youtube🎶

#素晴らしきほっこりの世界 白練(しろねり):音色(おといろ)絵本シリーズその1 - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv

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