“Sunken Ship’s Treasures”


An illustration from when I participated in a two-hour late-night DTM session.
The theme was ‘a song inspired by a sunken pirate ship.’
The illustration features budgerigars that, when venturing a bit into the deep sea, discovered the treasures of a sunken ship.

Ignoring the blatantly trap-like colored treasure chest…
The real treasures seem to be asleep deeply…
I tried creating an atmosphere of slumbering treasures with bells and cello pads.
Feel free to give it a listen.

The real treasures seem to be in a long, long slumber… 💎

You can also see it on Twitter, pixiv, and Instagram♬

#創作 沈没船の秘宝~海賊のお宝はいずこ~ - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv

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