Moonwalking Cockatiels on the Moon


This is an illustration I made when participating in a late-night 2-hour DTM (Desk Top Music) session.
The theme was “Image: Walking on the Moon.”
The illustration depicts cockatiels eagerly moonwalking on the lunar surface.
“When you think of the moon, it’s got to be moonwalking, right? 🌝 …The background noise is so annoying 💨”
Even the normal cockatiel is happily shaking maracas.
I created a weightless atmosphere with electric mallets and synthesizers.
Please give it a listen if you’d like 🌕

What a cheerful duo 🐥🐥

You can also see it on Twitter, pixiv, and Instagram♬

作曲とらくがきサイトをほそぼそやってます。 インコの後頭部のアングルが大好き。なんであんなに可愛いんだろう… 好きな漫画はギャグマンガ日和です!

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