Delayed ObonOkuribi


It seems that August 16th is the day for the delayed ObonOkuribi.
The illustration depicts a Budgerigar who stumbled upon the Okuribi bonfire while returning from shopping.
Since the Cockatiels were arguing over the soda bar, it appears the Budgerigar is on the way back with ice cream treats.
I tried creating a serene Japanese atmosphere with a music box and ryuteki.
Feel free to give it a listen if you’re interested 🎇.

If Cockatiels keep eating only ice cream late at night, this character will change from ‘大’ to ‘太’. 🎆

You can also see it on Twitter, pixiv, and Instagram♬

#音楽 月遅れ盆送り火 - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv

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