Early Morning Steam


The illustration features a budgerigar preparing tea early in the morning.
The steam rising from the tea combines with the light coming through the window, creating a dazzling effect.
I composed this piece inspired by a solo piano performance I played upon waking up.
Please give it a listen if you’d like 🎹🐥

Hey… Did the mysterious plants of the cockatiel grow in the garden?

You can also see it on Twitter, pixiv, and Instagram♬

#素晴らしきほっこりの世界 早朝の煙 - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv
イラストは早起きして紅茶を用意するセキセイインコさんです紅茶からただよう湯気に窓からの光が合わさってまばゆいばかりです眠りから覚めたピアノソロで作ってみました良かったら聞いてみてください 🎹🐥http

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