Beyond Yeaning


Midnight Two-Hour Poetry Session 10/19 & Sound Source Series No. 36
Theme: Yeaning
The illustration features a budgerigar gazing into the distance of longing.

My longing
You are a star
I long for you
To your side

Using the sound source “Yarning (Longing)” from Omnisphere and the Pivana Flute, I aimed to create a sound that reflects the melancholy of longing.
If you’d like, please listen! 🐥

Beyond Yearning… Have you ever felt scared that if you get too close, your longing might disappear?

You can also see it on Twitter, pixiv, Instagram and Youtube♬

#ArtRage 憧憬の先 - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv
深夜の二時間作詩10/19&音源シリーズその36お題:憧憬 イラストは憧憬の先を見つめるセキセイインコさんですわたしの憧れあなたは星焦がれてやまぬあなたの側へOmnisphereの[Yarning(憧

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