Reassuring Blanket


January is coming to an end soon.
On chilly nights, I want to sleep soundly with my favorite comfort blanket right?
The illustration features a cockatiel drifting off to sleep with the comfort blanket and a peculiar doll.
“The fluffiness of this blanket… somehow makes me feel secure. Mumble, mumble… Achoo! This doll seems kind of dusty, doesn’t it? 💨”
Upon closer inspection, the doll looks just like the cockatiel.
I tried creating a drowsy atmosphere with a mallet and a viola.
If you’re interested, please give it a listen 🐥

The stuffed animals are often placed near the pillow without thinking,but for those with dust mite allergies, it seems better to keep them a little further away 🐥

You can also see it on Twitter, pixiv, and Instagram♬

#音楽 安心毛布 - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv
おか☆めんめ on Instagram: "曲名:安心毛布 1月もそろそろ終わり 冷え込む夜はお気に入りの安心毛布でぐっすり休みたいところです イラストは安心毛布とヘンな人形とともに眠りにつくオカメさんです 「この毛羽立ち具合…なんか安心するのよね‥むにゃむにゃ ・・・・・・・へっくしゅ!この人形粉っぽいわね💨」 よく見るとオカメさんそっくりなお人形ですね マレットとヴィオラで眠気を誘う雰囲気にしてみました 良かったら聞いてみて下さい🐥 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Reassuring Blanket January is coming to an end soon. On chilly nights, I want to sleep soundly with my favorite comfort blanket right? The illustration features a cockatiel drifting off to sleep with the comfort blanket and a peculiar doll. "The fluffiness of this blanket... somehow makes me feel secure. Mumble, mumble... Achoo! This doll seems kind of dusty, doesn't it? 💨" Upon closer inspection, the doll looks just like the cockatiel. I tried creating a drowsy atmosphere with a mallet and a viola. If you're interested, please give it a listen 🐥 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ #DTM #オカメインコ #Twitter #1月 #ストリングス #マレット #埃っぽい #dtmerと繋がりたい #ほっこりイラスト #cockatielmusic #illustration #月末 #安心毛布 #ArtRage #strings #mallet #composer"
7 likes, 1 comments - okamennme on January 29, 2024: "曲名:安心毛布 1月もそろそろ終わり 冷え込む夜はお気に入りの安心毛布でぐっすり休みたいところです イラストは安心毛布とヘンな人形と...

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