Summer! Stamp Cockatiel


Oto-Stamp Series No. 12
The concept is ‘a doodle & jingle that would be nice to have in LINE stamps.’
Today’s theme is ‘Summer.’
The illustration features an Okame-chan who feels the summer with a watermelon.

‘With this heat, there’s nothing better than enjoying a watermelon at home… Oh, maybe some potato chips too💨’
I made a short tune using an electric piano and a tenor saxophone.
Please give it a listen if you’d like🐥🎷

I’m glad to hear that the sofa that spoils Okame-san is still in good shape.”

You can also see it on Twitter, pixiv, and Instagram♬

作曲とらくがきサイトをほそぼそやってます。 インコの後頭部のアングルが大好き。なんであんなに可愛いんだろう… 好きな漫画はギャグマンガ日和です!

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