Japanese style advent calendar…?


The last day to take out the trash is on my mind today.
It seems that the cockatiel is pretending to be in the mood for Advent with her daily calendar, imitating the Advent calendar.
“”Hurry up and get messed up oops!
Come on New Year’s Eve soon~”
I made it in the style of a Japanese band with shakuhachi, koto and taiko drums.
Please listen to it if you like.

I think the cockatiel is flipping through the pages.

There is also pixiv

#音楽 和風アドベントカレンダー‥? - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv
ゴミ出しの最終日が気になる今日この頃どうやらオカメさんはアドベントカレンダーをまねて日めくりカレンダーでアドベント気取りしているようですね「さっさ どんどんめくっちゃおっと!お正月はやくおいで~」尺八

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