The Snail and the Cockatiels


This is an illustration from when I participated in a two-hour DTM session late at night.
The theme was ‘songs imagined from picture.’
The illustration depicts the Cockatiels meeting a cute snail belonging to 2-Hour DTM.
‘How cute… should we make the Cockatiels’ eyes sparkle like that too? Oh! This salt… that’s right, it’s for preventing heatstroke, isn’t it?’
I hope the snail doesn’t take offense. ..🐌🐥🐥
I tried creating a piano solo with the atmosphere of a sparkling rainy day.
Please give it a listen if you’d like.

*The background, including the snail, uses an image from 2hoursDTM.
© 2024 okamennme. All rights reserved.
Illustration source: 2hoursDTM – Original Tweet
Additional illustrations by okamennme

These Cockatiels have unusually sparkling eyes. ✨✨🐥🐥✨✨

You can also see it on Twitter, pixiv, and Instagram♬
On Pixiv, a rain effect will be added for a limited time 🐥☔
#pixivRain2024 カタツムリとおかめんず - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv

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