After telephone panic…


This is a budgerigar enjoying some sunshine, seemingly at ease in the soft spring warmth, after experiencing a telephone panic.
Perhaps due to receiving too many calls, even clouds start resembling receivers.
I created this calm atmosphere using Verve’s [Void Space] sound source.
Please give it a listen if you’d like☁

However, it deepens the mystery as to why there were so many phone calls in the first place.

You can also see it on Twitter, pixiv, and Instagram♬

#素晴らしきほっこりの世界 てんやわんやの後で - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv
イラストはお電話パニックの後、日向ぼっこをするセキセイインコさんです春の柔らかい陽ざしにひとごこちついているようです電話を受けすぎたせいで、雲まで受話器に見えてきたみたいVerveの[Void Spa

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