Toy Day


On Toy Day, May 5th, which is also Children’s Day, it seems it was Toy Day as well.
The illustration features a bewildered chick in front of a toy box.
From silk hats to mysterious dolls, from a broken submarine to a plastic bat transformed… even fake nose glasses are there.
It seems like he received some peculiar toys from the Cockatiels.
I tried to capture the toy atmosphere by adding strings to the toy piano and celesta.
Please give it a listen if you’d like🐣

Perhaps only the fake nose glasses are a dropped item from the budgerigars…👓🐤

You can also find it on Twitter, pixiv, and Instagram 🐥

#素晴らしきほっこりの世界 おもちゃの日 - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv

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