Okame Channel☆Goodnight


This is a continuation of the illustration from my participation in the late-night 2-hour DTM session.
The theme was ‘Opening Song for a (Fictional) Radio Show.’
The illustration features Okame-san getting sleepy after sneaking into a radio station and hosting a show.
‘Yawn… let’s hand it over to the late-night host now💤’
The late-night personality who has to take over Okame-san’s disorganized show is a bit unlucky.
I aimed for a jazzy radio atmosphere with piano, saxophone, and drums.
Please have a listen if you’d like! 📻

Okame-san just shows up suddenly and leaves just as suddenly, it’s quite troublesome 🐥

You can also see it on X, pixiv,Instagram and Youtube♬

作曲とらくがきサイトをほそぼそやってます。 インコの後頭部のアングルが大好き。なんであんなに可愛いんだろう… 好きな漫画はギャグマンガ日和です!

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