Vernal Equinox Holiday


Today was the first day of spring, wasn’t it?
The illustration is of cockatiels trying to eat cake.
“The Vernal Equinox is essentially half and half night and half day, right?
Let’s eat chocolate and shortcake!
A song inspired by this illustration was also uploaded on Twitter.
I made it fun with organ and mallets.
Please listen to it if you like 🍰.

The purpose of Vernal Equinox Day is to give thanks to nature and care for living things🌸… well, half and half is not wrong…

There is also pixiv

作曲とらくがきサイトをほそぼそやってます。 インコの後頭部のアングルが大好き。なんであんなに可愛いんだろう… 好きな漫画はギャグマンガ日和です!

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