Self-care Day


It seems that April 7th was Self-care Day, right?
The illustration depicts a parakeet giving off the vibe of doing crunches on a yoga mat.
“Heave-ho! Um…Crunches are just about this, huh? 💨 You gotta take care of myself after all, right?”
Unfortunately, Cockatiel, crunches don’t work unless you engage your core muscles.
I tried making it sound like healing music with piano and synth pads.
Give it a listen if you’d like. 🐥

Stress is the root of all evil… Maybe it’s just right to maintain a carefree attitude like Cockatiel does 🐥

You can also see it on Twitter, pixiv, and Instagram♬

#素晴らしきほっこりの世界 セルフケアの日 - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv

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