Storm in Coffee Cup


This is an illustration of my participation in a late-night 2-hour DTM!
The subject was “Coffee-inspired music”.
When it rains, don’t you feel sick because of the atmospheric pressure?
This illustration is of a cockatiel with a spining eye.
“Is it because of the low pressure? What? I thought it was spinning, but it was really spinning!
I mean, you little boy there! You spin the coffee cup too much!”
I also uploaded a song inspired by this illustration on Twitter.
I made it into a very short spinning song.
Please listen to it if you like ☕.

I think the pressure is affected when it rains. Cocatiel seems to be affected differently.

There is also pixiv

#音楽 コーヒーカップの嵐 - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv

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