Deep Sleep Day


September 3rd is known as ‘Deep Sleep Day’ because of the wordplay on the date (9/3).
The illustration features a budgie carrying a lost chick on his back.
It seems like the warmth of his back put the little one to sleep without realizing it.
I’ve created a serene atmosphere with electric piano and strings to capture the essence of a peaceful slumber.
Feel free to give it a listen if you’d like 💤.

Budgie often seems to find lost ones 🐥 It would be great if they could safely return home 🏠

You can also see it on Twitter, pixiv, and Instagram♬

#音楽 ぐっすりの日 - おか・めんめのイラスト - pixiv
おか☆めんめ on Instagram: "ぐっすりの日 9月3日はぐっ(9)す(3)りの 語呂合わせで ぐっすりの日だそうです イラストは迷子のたまごを おんぶしている セキセイインコさんです あたたかい背中に乗って いつの間にか眠ってしまった ようですね エレピとストリングスで 安眠の雰囲気に作ってみました 良かったら聞いてみて下さい💤 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Deep Sleep Day September 3rd is known as 'Deep Sleep Day' because of the wordplay on the date (9/3). The illustration features a budgie carrying a lost chick on his back. It seems like the warmth of his back put the little one to sleep without realizing it. I've created a serene atmosphere with electric piano and strings to capture the essence of a peaceful slumber. Feel free to give it a listen if you'd like 💤. ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ #dtm #セキセイインコ #Twitter #ぐっすりの日#初秋#ハープピアノ #dtmerと繋がりたい #ストリングス #strings #cockatielmusic #illustration #birds #harppiano #September #deep_sleep_day #ArtRage #composer #dtm"
8 likes, 0 comments - okamennme on September 3, 2023: "ぐっすりの日 9月3日はぐっ(9)す(3)りの 語呂合わせで ぐっすりの日だそうです イラストは迷子のたまごを おんぶしている セ...

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